The photo that started it all…

Toddling along, somewhere in London circa 2009

Ok, maybe it wasn’t just this one photo - but almost ;)

It was a decade-and-a-half ago, living in London where my daughter was born. In the process of honing my portrait photography, my creative style and being unendingly obsessed with street photographers of old like Diane Arbus & Henri Cartier-Bresson, I began to turn my camera from strangers & passersby to documenting the most inspirational human I knew: my teeny tiny toddling daughter. OMG, yes I realize how absolutely cheesy that sounds, but I promise it’s the truth.

As new parents we’re instantly enamored with our babies, and that admiration grew to fascination. I wanted to capture the behind-the-scenes time that no one else would really see unless you were there. Not so much as a grasping at passing time but as a means to document an experience, a feeling, a heartstring being tugged, a dream being fulfilled. I wanted to know if that smirk or scrunched nose or hand gesture was something of childhood or a characteristic she’d carry well into old age (I’m happy to convey that most she has carried into her teenage years).

As time went by and portraits were shared around, the requests from friends & family started a journey of family & children’s portraits that stretched from the East to West Coast, from USA to UK and all around Europe (and Australia!). The joy of being apart of people’s growing families and capturing moments that feel too fast to hold onto has become a true passion of mine.

I have made a career of working on some major campaigns with fabulous brands, but the most joy I have is creating long-lasting memories with my clients. There’s something unendingly special about knowing your work is a keepsake.

And thus it began. Some photos turned to requests. Requests turned to clients and years and years later here we are. As my own little is now heading into her senior year of high school (silent sobs), I have a collection of moments that I didn’t even know were important.


Making the best session possible.